Wednesday, October 5, 2011

maybe we'll be together, in an alternate universe, where I am a better version of myself

Now playing James Morrison feat Nelly Furtado - Broken strings
there is no school today and i woke up at 1pm
and i went to ite tamp.....just because.
sometimes i question my motive of going out because the only thing i'll end up doing is slacking. 
which is kinda pathetic 

I need to distance myself away from potential heart breaks
i need to stop contacting guys just to fill this void in my heart because i think what im doing right now is suicide. what if i fall for a certain guy, and he falls for me too? and then we get serious and then we get into a relationship? and with that comes commitment, which will then lead to fights because commitments usually adds strain to a relationship where u tend to control the person more, and then there comes third parties which will then lead to heartaches and crying and sleepless nights and coming to school in a state which i call The Zombie State where u will just stare into nothingness and it will take a toll on your studies which will spiral downwards and you will end up failing your exams = not get into an institution of your choice = not get your dream job = not get a stable career and tc of urself + parents = unable to tc of parents means unable to tc of potential husband + children = end up not getting married = parents die, dissapointed in you = siblings living their own life = while you die alone = failure in life 

im sorry but im very pessimistic tonight
i think this song makes me all saddish
screw you james morrison

Ok im lying all the above paragraph is a lie
because i love you :( 
and im such a sucky pretender :( 
why must i love you why :( 

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