Friday, July 27, 2012

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


i dont really feel like this every night, this feeling of doubt. but it does arise at one point of time or another. and it chose to come tonight. i wonder if other girls have ever felt the same way too about their boyfriends. or am i the only one? i feel sick in the stomach to even have these kind of thoughts in the first place. he is my fucking boyfriend for god sake why am i still questioning this relationship? what if questioning this relationship is a sign that im not really in love? what if i just love him too much until i start questioning this relationship because it seems like he doesn't love me enough?

what if i am just his first love? since i am his first girlfriend? i really dont think that i will be his last. this is the modern world. it just doesn't work that way anymore. if it was during our grandparent's times, yes, maybe its possible, to have those kind of lasting relationships that lead to marriage, where nightly conversations on the phone turn to nightly conversations on bed.

im scared. what if i am lying to myself. what if, im not even made for love. what if i dont even deserve to love. what if im just over thinking. like always.

when he says he wants to marry me and stuff, i kind of scoff in my head because thats what all love birds say during their 'just got together' phase. and i honestly think that he is just a tad too excited and too in love. that is all. he doesn't really want to marry a hunk of mess like me. thats why every time he talks about marriage or how much he wants to 'wife' me i wasn't really wow-ed because words can always be spewed without feeling the true gravity of its meaning. marriage is not an easy word to throw around and when you are already mentioning it only after 3-4 months, i feel like i cannot take the rest of your other words seriously too. because you yourself dont take your words seriously. i just dont like it when you serenade me with pretty, promising pledges of love. what if it doesn't happen? im the one who will be licking my wounds, not you...

 just dont promise me the world when the world doesn't even belong to you.

i would end this post with an 'i love you' but right now, i dont know whether im saying it because i truly mean it or it is just out of obligation. that's why i dont like being in a relationship sometimes. its like you HAVE to say i love you at the end of everything and it just doesn't feel like anything anymore. why is there a need to do it? why? if you really love someone must you say it every time to assure him/her? if you love her enough, the right way, she would've felt so much of it all inside of her you dont even need to say it. would just be like an added bonus, like that extra pat of powder you put on your face when you know you already put on enough. yeah like that. but maybe, that extra pat of powder is just for security. just in case.

and funny how after saying all this, it actually made me miss you.

Monday, July 23, 2012

not a clean slate but... a cleaner one at least

i cant even remember the last time i did a proper post here. and i dont even want to remember. because its not worth remembering. i guess i never really blogged because i just kinda lost it you know. lost the momentum, lost the inspiration, lost the interest? i dont know? but i just lost it along the way. i dont know what made me start picking up the old blogging habit, and i dont know whether i will do it as consistently as last time but right now, my fingers are already dancing on the keyboard so i guess there's no turning back.

a lot has changed ever since the last post here. and by alot i mean...alot.
what i can be very sure of now is that i am much happier. so very much happier. you know how people say "good things come to those who wait"?
more like "good things come to those who experience a whole load of bullshit and heartbreaks that ache like death itself"

i've tried being the bigger man and forgive the people who have hurt me before, you know forgive them even if they are not sorry. but i am just not that nice. i relish the thought of them suffering from karmic retribution. i notice a pattern you see, every time after a guy dumps me, they are either single for like 4ever or like, miserable 4ever. and that makes me ridiculously happy. And in these kind of cases, i dont think it is sadistic to be enjoy other people's misfortunes. for all i know, I think it is actually encouraged. think of it as a little 'pick-me-up' after all that shit you've been through. i am fine with being the baddie for now because technically, they are the baddies first before i was. and what the hell? im not even a baddie because i didn't even physically do anything to even hurt them in the first place so...............yeah they deserve it idgaf

that is all for now