Wednesday, July 13, 2011

actually the picture above you is suppose to move cos i planted a gif smack above this post but then i replaced it with a kinda sad picture of me cos this is a kinda sad post, i shall upload my happy gif when i write a happy entry ;) 

so anyways back to being sad......

ok........sometimes you realize you have to let go of the people you love for their happiness because their happiness is your happiness. let them go not with resentment in your heart, but with willingness because bad feelings will harden you and it will turn you into a miserable person. miserable people radiate bad vibes and bad vibes are not cool

girls,it is okay to be sad because being sad is part of human nature. it is also okay to feel sorry for yourself, to get that tub of ice cream and eat your feelings out (in my case i eat donuts) but you have to remember that the world doesn't revolve around you and your binging episodes, nor do they wait for you to finish that box of tissues. no. time and life stops for nobody and they jolly well don't stop for you...and by you, i mean me, because this post is..well, for me actually. 

i keep typing and back-spacing, typing and back-spacing because there is just no words that can describe how i feel right now. there i go again blaming other things other than myself. "oh, its the english language, not me!" i guess the real reason why i couldn't find any words to portay my feelings is because of my limited vocabulary lol 

it's hard you know. to not blame anyone in situations like this. it is so tempting to point fingers at everyone...but yourself. and somehow we tend to point our finger to the heavens too. it is kinda wrong, yeah, but may i argue that whatever happens to us, i believe, is the work of fate. we as humans can only plan but God is the one that decides. we can try to avoid undesirable situations but well...that's just it. we can only try:) but this does not mean we throw our hands up and call it quits..we don't just muck around, thinking: "oh nevermind, some divine being will decide my life for me" i guess i wont achieve anything if i just sit and stone like some lazyfuck

our heart's capacity for love is boundless, and this is one of the many obstacles that i have to face before God presents me my soulmate. how can we learn to appreciate if we are not given hardships? 

OK i really sound as if im trying to make myself look like a saint.....when im not-.- so to set things clear, i am the bigger bitch when it comes to stuff involving third parties. cos i am quite the flirt and YESSSS i meet other guys too so....*shrugs* i guess karma is finally showing me who's boss around here

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