Friday, May 20, 2011

She walks the same path everyday, scruffy vans worn down with age and unforgiving weather. Her arms wrapped around a book, held close to her chest. She treasures and appreciates her love for reading. She knows, it doesn't come easy. Takes years to develop a love for something so lengthy...and full of words. Her eyes squinted against the glare of the sun, weather is hot. Not the usual hot, but the angry kind of hot. Like the Sun is shining its anger off. A bad day for her to be out, with the sun all moody and temperamental. But she cannot afford to miss school. She needs that USA trip badly. Oblivious to the cacophony of her surroundings, she walked, her mind still in a whirl of thoughts. Hair tied up, scrawny-looking from all those hair dyes. Red spectacles mounted on that too bulbous of a nose. Her average looks and lanky small frame, not worth a second glance. But it doesn't matter. Public scrutiny is the least of her concerns

above paragraph written by me, the paragraph itself describes ME, no plagiarism whatsoever
okay i feel all composition-ish today because i just finished reading a book called The Missing Girl, the title tells everything really

in reality i am such an awkward person. i don't know how to bring myself about around kids because they are just so damn honest, so damn truthful they're almost transparent. the way they look at you, its like they can tell whether you're a bad person or a good person. and obviously i've always gotten the evil eye. i don't know why children find me so unappealing. maybe because they can feel that i am uncomfortable around them. and thats where irony hits me right smack in the face. i am in an early childhood course. but children hate me. and the worst thing is, sucking up with children is difficult because they can see right through you, they can sense whether you are being genuine or not. i just wish that i have this charm that attracts children like a magnet. I WISH. 

i am so fucking scared for my attachment because not only am i awkward with children, i am also awkward with adults. being professional with them, around them. imagining myself assisting the teachers, it shakes me to the core. maybe it is time i learn to grow up and be more of a woman. you know, take charge. 

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